For orders placed by June 30, 2025. Ts and Cs apply. See your quote for details.

Surprises: the natural enemy of producers.

If our network engineers have any doubt about internet performance at your production, you might need a Risk-Free Test.

Occasionally, we encounter situations where there’s potential for performance issues. That’s when we suggest conducting a Risk-Free Test. Since 2014, we’ve provided fully-supported managed internet for thousands of productions across the USA. We’re committed to supporting you around the clock, ensuring your experience is smooth and enjoyable. If you’re happy, we’re happy; if not, we’re not. Therefore, we never take risks with supplying internet for uncertain jobs. Though rare, a Risk-Free Test may be necessary to ensure our internet performs well at a specific location or for a particular purpose.

Our techs have exclusive access to powerful OOKLA data (the results of 50 billion cellular speed tests, and our own historical data, so they can anticipate most situations. When you request a quote, we analyze your venue location using billions of tests for insights into carrier performance across 5G & LTE-A, average speeds, & device types tested. If any red flags arise, our techs will recommend a Risk-Free Test for just the cost of shipping plus a refundable bond equal to the rental value of one unit for one day. If we are confident PopUp WiFi will work in your venue, no test is needed. However, if you or your client seek extra reassurance, you can opt for a standard rental day and test to your heart’s content.

Edge cases that may require a Risk-Free Test

Challenging venues

Venues without windows, or in out-of-the-way locations can pose a challenge for signal strength. If we’re not certain that the internet performance will be strong and steady, we’ll offer a Risk-Free Test.

Novel use cases

Have you invented a new way to use the internet? Not sure how it’s all going to come together? If your use case is seriously different and needs significant bandwidth, we might suggest a Risk-Free Test.

Remote Locations

Are you running an outdoor event in an area with marginal coverage on all the cellular providers and need to see if you’ll get sufficient performance on site? We won’t waste your time if we are sure it won’t work, but it its a line call, we may offer a Risk-Free Test.

For those jobs that need a “Check, one-two”, here’s how the Risk-Free Test works:

1. Our Solutions team will create you two quotes.

Complete the Quote Builder at least 10 days before your event (or 4 days if you’re in LA). If we are unsure about the performance at your site, a friendly Solutions team mate will get in touch & request a test. We’ll provide two quotes: a quote to send a PopUp WiFi unit to your venue for an onsite test and an ultimate quote for the event. The equipment hire portion of your quote will be your refundable bond.Accept both quotes to indicate that you’ll go ahead with your rental pending your test, and we’ll send you a quote for one unit for one day plus a $149 non-refundable shipping/handling fee.

Timeline Item 4

Timeline Item 4

2. We’ll send your unit out for a test run.

To reserve your test, choose a date that will allow you or a representative to spend up to three hours at your site intermittently liaising with our techs by phone. Then accept your quote and pay your invoice. We’ll send you an order form to gather some further information for our network engineers and arrange to send a unit to you for a test day.

Timeline Item 4

Timeline Item 4

3. Put your PopUp WiFi through its paces.

Set your unit up at your event location and text or call our network engineers to let them know you’re ready for them to start the testing process. They’ll work remotely on the unit to optimize the configuration for your specific technical requirements and venue. Plan to leave your unit plugged into AC power for at least 2 hours to allow the unit to gather sufficient data to assess the baseline performance. This is worst-case scenario, most tests only take ~30 minutes, but it pays to be prepared!

Timeline Item 4

Timeline Item 4

4. All hands on deck.

Sometimes the cellular coverage or reception at a site is so marginal that our techs may ask you to help out. They might ask you to move the unit around the venue to look for better reception, or simply rotate the unit on the spot to give the directional antennas a better line to the celltowers they’re trying to talk to. Any able-bodied person with a phone can do this work with our techs, so no need to worry about finding someone technical to help.

Timeline Item 4

Timeline Item 4

5. Review the data.

At the conclusion of your test, the techs will provide their assessment of the performance at your site. They’ll let you know what they’ve found and make any recommendations about how to proceed next. If our network engineers have spotted something that could cause you trouble on the day, they’ll recommend a modified approach for your specific situation.

Timeline Item 4

Timeline Item 4

6. Choose your next move.

Now we all know what to expect, it’s time to make some decisions! From here it’s up to you to determine whether you want to go ahead with PopUp WiFi for your event (and we’ll credit the equipment hire portion of your test to your event invoice) or return your unit for a prompt refund (less $149) provided it is returned to UPS on the due date. No credits or refunds are available if your unit isn’t returned on time.