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Event Network used for
PopUp WiFi Solution
Event Overview
The Parish Fair is a three-day event open to the community at large. This annual tradition brings together the Church of the Little Flower and St. Theresa Catholic School families for a weekend full of family thrill and fun for everyone! Alex got in touch with PopUp WiFi who hooked him up with a combination of units to connect NFL live streaming, Point of Sale for vendors and ticket booths, and back-of-house production devices. Everything went perfectly and Alex was stoked with PopUp WiFi’s performance.
When Alex Seage, Founder of technology systems consulting company, Seagetek, was tasked with technology consulting for the annual parish fair at his son’s primary school, he knew a reliable internet connection would be vital to its success.
“As soon as I sat down with the committee, the first thing they told me was, ‘We have WiFi problems!’” said Alex. “They’ve always struggled with WiFi. As you can imagine, it’s on a football field, so it’s a pretty big open space.”
With ticket and ride sales being a key part of the school’s fundraising efforts, and major donors expecting to watch a live streamed NFL game in the beer garden, Alex knew he needed an alternative solution to the on-site internet.
“Last year, they tried connecting to the school’s infrastructure which is outdated and built for the in-house school’s requirements,” said Alex. “They don’t have wireless access points outdoors, so they didn’t have coverage in the football field.”
“They tried doing a point to point and individual hot spots from their cellular provider last year as well. That would usually be fine, as it wasn’t in too much of a remote area and there’s plenty of cell towers nearby, but if you have 3,000 people in that small space, it gets saturated.”
Producer’s Comments
Thanks to Alex’s resourcefulness, the school was able to move payment and fundraising platforms entirely online and raise a record amount for their annual fundraising efforts.
“It worked flawlessly. It went exactly how the guys at PopUp WiFi said it would. I just plugged them straight in and waited five to ten minutes for them to start up. I didn’t have a single lag in any of the games.”
“PopUp WiFi is great for your technical production crews – but I just used this to connect a parish community fair. It has nothing to do with tech. We just needed this as part of a business solution and I think the more people become aware of a product like this, the better it is for their event.”
“I would highly recommend PopUp WiFi. The simplicity of the product goes a long way for someone who is not as technical. The packaging, the timing of delivery and the return process was as easy as possible and there’s nothing I could have improved.”
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